WordPress SEO Expert

Get your website optimised for greater visibility in organic search results.
A specialist using can make positive gains in organic traffic acquisition.
From on-page to off-page- as well as advanced technical SEO for WordPress- everything makes a difference.

A WordPress SEO expert is highly skilled in making your web pages relevant to targeted keywords.
This is the cornerstone of outstanding rank and traffic acquisition.

Yoast WordPress SEO Expert Melbourne
wordpress seo expert

WordPress Websites Optimised for SEO

It all begins with great content- or so they say! Having great content is of no use if search engines can’t crawl or index it. If the semantics don’t correlate to what you’re trying to say then you won’t rank for your keywords.
We use powerful, ethical techniques to rank your website for relevant, buyer-intent keywords. When search engine algorithms update- you’ll be safe. We use the same techniques we teach at our .

WordPress and SEO Work Well Together

WordPress is a great platform with lots of inherent SEO advantages. The ability to write canonical URLs, customise page slugs and fine-tune every single element n the page and within the CMS itself- provides ample opportunity for tremendous gains in rank- or catastrophic failures.

Often there’s not much separating the two!

So what happens when a website is optimised for search engines?

Essentially the primary focus is developing topical expertise. Providing search engines with ample reasons to rank the website because it’s the expert in its field.

Technical SEO for WordPress

Despite the many advantages of WordPress- the potential for disaster is just below the surface. The technical greatest errors we encounter- are websites with duplicate content on multiple pages, poor crawler access and pages accessible and indexed which should never be seen- like ““.

We do White Hat SEO

There’s the good guys who wear white- and the bad guys in black. Our wordpress search engine optimisation follows the best-practice principles set out in the so you know everything’s safe and your livelihood is not exposed to any risk.
The services of a WordPress SEO Expert in Melbourne will make a positive difference to your website’s ability to attract and convert qualified organic search traffic.

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    SEO Makes a Positive Difference

    Organic traffic acquisition fuels conversions.
    Traffic you earn naturally arrives in a better mindset than someone who clicked on an ad.
    The ultimate purpose of any website is to drive conversions. Not to look pretty or provide a vehicle for CEO rants- but to make the business profitable.
    Professional WordPress SEO is the way to achieve that.

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    Are You Paying for Traffic?

    There’s a lucky group of people- website owners- who are getting free organic traffic through search engine queries.
    Of course search engine optimisaiton costs money to implement- but you still win.
    You’re presence is not limited by campaign budget.
    The customer who searches and clicks through an organic listing is a better quality client than the one who hits the first ad they see.
    My WordPress SEO clients tell me so, every week!